Thursday, March 4, 2010

Women in Soviet Union

My topic is about the women and the difficult and exciting things they went through as a Soviet Union citizen. A Soviet Union woman had the natural action of raising up her children and a mistress of her home. The soviet people considered women with children to be “working mothers.” Most soviet women worked and did household chores, they needed to have full time jobs and take care of a huge family. Some would be a part of fighting in wars and being a part of their army. Others worked as scientists, fliers, engineers, physicians and tractor driving; there isn’t any branch of industry that women can’t do. Men and women would get an equal pay for an equal work, but of course there were different wages. Some soviet women were interested in sports and athletics. The sportswomen mainly had awards in parachute jumping and flying. Soviet women were permitted to have abortions but it was mostly very painful and brutal. During the Soviet Union era, people dismissed gender in everyday life. The category of gender was not considered important to the Soviet Union. As well as changing gender expectations, soviet women were to work hard at their daily jobs and then come home to care for their women and children. Most successful out of all the women were the ones that stayed single and childless, therefore later had the opportunity to become a manager or a boss. Later, on June 27, 1936, the soviet government established a decree, announcing prohibiting abortion, but the pregnancy could endanger the mother in her life or health. There could also be a possibility of inheriting a disease from its parents.
Most women would love to keep their babies and raise them like any mother would do. To have the government tell you that you would have to kill your baby, makes me angry and annoyed that a group of people only cared about themselves and the other percentage of society; the men. In the earlier years of the Soviet Union, right after world war one, the government stated that women were not allowed to keep their babies and must have an abortion. This would help working women to be more successful at their jobs. It’s surprising that many women turned toward abortion; an estimate of about 500 abortions a year. I believe that having abortions are wrong for the baby. It doesn’t even have a chance to live in the real world. It makes me so sad to think that an innocent human being is going to die for a mistake you made and did. I completely disagree with the abortion process. I wouldn’t be able to be happy and I would have many regrets. It would make me sick to my stomach to know that I killed my son or daughter. I would not be able to live with myself. I would also have many questions on what it would look like when it got older and what it would be like in characteristics.


  1. This very astonished because we wouldn't really think of women back then as much importance but seems they did a lot as what they do in society today. Really good work Brittany only thing is that the opinion shouldn't be at the very end it should as your topic sentence hitting real hard.

  2. I am somewhat surprised that women played a big role in the Solviet Union. I believe that women should have the same rights as men and they should not be treated differently either. I have to say that your blog is very creative and I really like your article.
    McKenna Hutcheson

  3. Mckenna I agree with you, Women should have the same rights as men. I mean after all we are the same, just different genders. Men should have to do the same things women do, like being a mother, men can help out with taking care of the kids.

  4. You said that the government prohibited abortions: "On June 27, 1936, the soviet government established a decree, announcing prohibiting abortion" Then you started talking about how the government forced them to kill their babies. I'm confused. But I like that you connected it with a current debate; whether or not abortion is right.
    -Hallie Rohr

  5. I completely agree with you about that abortions are wrong. It is the own person's fault for being pregnant, but I don't think you considered the fact that women didn't have many rights until The Civil Rights Act in 1964. Therefore, I think most women in the Soviet Union were actually lucky compared to other countries.

  6. I agree to. Many of the women didnt have to get pregnant and in the end its their fault. But many women didnt have the rights they needed until 1964

  7. i strongly agree with everything that you said in here. women that get abortions don't realize that the thing in their stomach that they are about to kill is an innocent child. Even though in it not fully developed yet, God put this child on the earth for a reason. women that do get abortions because they don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions are self centered.

  8. I definitely agree that women should have the same rights as men. The fact that women were told to have abortions, and the women actually went through with it, is just sickening. Each one of us are created for a reason, and even though they weren't fully developed, they were still put on this earth for a reason. I loved the creativity you put into your article, it was so interesting!

  9. The lives and issues of a woman living in the Soviet Union much resembles the lives of women today. The day-to-day work schedule and caring for a household, is agreeably, a difficult role. I also agree with your views on abortion.

  10. Brittany, nice job on your first post! I have to agree with everything that you said. Abortion is wrong in every possible way, and women should have the same/equal rights as men. You did such a great job on your first post...keep it up!

  11. I strongly agree! Women should of had the same rights in everything if they had to do the same job as the men. Working full time and taking care of a family is hard this was hard on some women. Thank you this was good

  12. You did great on your first post Brittany. I agree that women should of have equal rights. This post was enjoyable to read and I completely agree.

  13. i feel that abortion is completely wrong, but shouldn't women have a choice about that?

  14. Everyone: This is not, and should not be a forum for personal politics. The assignment is asking for historical argument, not personal opinion. That means judging the significance, relevance, or importance of historical events. While this might relate to current topics and politics, the argument should be over whether or not this comparison is valid. You should not weigh in on the political topic itself. To do so is to miss the point of the assignment entirely.
